In Town Vacouver
Washington, USA

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Vancouver, Washington, Identity Crisis:

My wife and I moved to Vancouver, Washington, in 2011. I created this website in 2015 as sort of bookmarks to various resources and venues in Vancouver as I discovered them. At that time the Vancouver Waterfront were just plans on paper and didn't even exist. That was more than 9 years ago. Since then, I've discovered many more resources and venutes and have a better idea of which are useful and which are my favorites. I've deleted from the list resources and venues that no longer exist and added many that didn't exist when I created this website. I've also expanded the list to include a bit more of Clark County as I've moved to a new home just a bit outside of Vancouver city limits.

The above is a work in progress. As mentioned above, I just recently updated this website and am working on adding more to it every day.

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